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Enrichment Programs

The Second Community Parents Association (SCPA) raises money to provide enrichment classes for students that are not funded by the district including Art, Garden, Music, P.E, a dedicated Writing class, Drama, and Technology. 


More details on our consultant and classes:


Art with Ben:

Our art teacher aspires to make our little artistas feel proud of their creations! He provides weekly lessons on art techniques, multi-media, art vocabulary, appreciation, and history. Ben loves teaching about his favorite art movements – Surrealism and Pop Art. He studied photography at The Academy of Art.

Garden with Shayna:

Our garden teacher from Climate Corps Education Outside works with students in our garden every other week to foster environmental stewardship aligning with science and other standards. 


Music with Janie

Our music teacher offers play-based music classes to K-3 students who wouldn’t normally get music instruction until fourth and fifth grades. She has specialized training in Orff-Schulwerk, which focuses on individual artistic activity within the elements of music, language and movement.


P.E. with Marc

Our long-time physical education teacher and alum integrates physical activity enrichment with a focus on cooperation and personal responsibility. He teaches tolerance, respect and overall sportsmanship through recreation activities uniquely designed for each grade. He works in tandem with the district-funded P.E. teacher to meet all P.E. curriculum requirements, freeing up classroom teachers to focus on core curriculum.


Writing with Scarlett

Our writing consultant works with classroom teachers to guide individual and small group writing. She helps fourth and fifth graders discover their unique ideas and enhance their grammar and writing skills. 


Drama with New Conservatory Theater Center

This residency program teaches classes to students focused on creative exploration through drama.


Technology with Johnson

Our technology consultant manages a Chromebook supply for student use, and works with classroom teachers to support their technology and curriculum needs, including teaching lessons as requested.

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